4 Tracks
Exploring the Future of AI Education
Outstanding Speakers
Committee Members (include top AI Scientists, Experts, Professors, Doctors all around world)
Artificial Intelligence + Adaptive Education (AIAED) is an international forum for academic researchers and industry leaders to discuss important trends emerging from artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, multimodal analytics, and system architecture as applied to next-generation education and how these advances can impact adaptive human learning at scale and in various contexts.
This conference provides researchers, product developers, educators an opportunity to exchange information and ideas on related research, development, and applications.
AI-driven intelligent adaptive learning is one of the most popular topics in research and the industry. AI+ Intelligent Adaptive Education Summit (AIAED) is committed to popularizing artificial intelligence education around the world, promoting the transformation and development of artificial intelligence technology for education and to achieve educational equity and educational effectiveness.
Tom Mitchell
the E. Fredkin University Professor of Machine Learning and Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
Daniela Rus
Data science. Rus serves as the Associate Director of MIT’s Quest for Intelligence Core
John Couch
Apple's First Vice President of Education
Michael Moe
Founder of Global Silicon Valley (GSV)
Rose Luckin
Professor of University College London Knowledge Lab
Ken Koedinger
Professor of Human-Computer Interaction & Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University
Arthur C. Graesser
Professor in the Department of Psychology
Xiangen Hu
Professor at the University of Memphis & Central China Normal University
Joleen Liang
Partner at Squirrel Ai Learning Investment Program Chair of the 3rd AIAED Conference
David Touretzky
Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon University AIAED-Youth/AI4K12 Program Chair of the 3rd AIAED Conference
Kang Lee
Professor & Tier 1 Canada Research Chair at University of Toronto
Lin Zhou
Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of The New School
Robby Robson
IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors, CEO of Eduworks Corporation Standards
Carles Sierra
IIIA-CSIC Director Program Chair of 2017 IJCAI
Lingfei (Teddy) Wu
IBM Research AI Research Staff Member
Andy Li
Professor at University of Florida
Elizabeth Owen
Director of Learning and Data Science at Age of Learning
Paul Kim
Assistant Dean & Chief Technology Officer at Stanford University The 3rd AIAED Conference Advisory Committee Member
Marie Bienkowski
Center Director of SRI International Technical Program Chair of the 3rd AIAED Conference
Dr.Christina Gardner-McCune
Assistant Professor at University of Florida
Michael Yudelson
Senior Research Scientist 2019 AIAED Technology Forum: Co-Chair of Education Data Mining
Mingyu Feng
WestEd Senior Research Fellow Design of Adaptive Learning Systems Technical Program Co-Chair of the 3rd AIAED Conference
Dr.Weijia Xu
Research Engineer & Manager, Data Mining And Statistics Data Intensive Computing Standards
KP Thai
Senior Learning and Data Scientist at Squirrel AI Learning Community Chair of the 3rd AIAED Conference
Xiang Cao
WeBank Artificial Intelligence Business Development Specialist Standards
Wei Cui
Chief Scientist of Squirrel AI Learning Local Program Chair of the 3rd AIAED Conference
Yu Lu
Associate Professor,Director of Artificial Intelligence Lab at Advanced Innovation Center for Future Education
The Grand Ballroom (2nd Floor) in Shanghai Tower
501 Yincheng Middle Rd, Lu Jia Zui, Lujiazui Residential District, Pudong, Shanghai, China)